Today I’m addressing everyone’s favorite…MOBILITY (OK, that was sarcasm). Mobility isn’t sexy and it doesn’t necessarily give you an immediate payoff, like an endorphin high or a muscle pump.
I rarely hear someone say “I LOVE MOBILITY,” but it’s absolutely necessary for performance as well as longevity in the gym.
Not to be confused with flexibility, mobility is strength through range of motion. You can be flexible, but lack mobility, meaning you lack tension and strength. Think about a baby. You can put those little suckers in any position because they are so flexible, but they lack stability.
The more mobile you become, the better you move and the more ability you have to build muscle. Take the squat for instance. If your hips or ankles are too tight to allow you to go below parallel, you won’t get the full benefit of the exercise that you would if you were able to move through the full range of motion.
Mobility can also help you avoid injury. Perfecting your movement first via mobility work, then adding load once movement patterns have improved, will keep you safe.
As our clients know, we program mobility work before every training session. It not only prepares you for the movements you are about to perform, but the goal is that, over time, you will become more mobile. If you’ve been around our gym for a while, you may have noticed that some of the movements you used to struggle with have become easier.
Most people don’t do mobility on their own and I get it. But, the more we do, the better our positions, the greater our ability to build strength/muscle, and the fewer aches and pains we will have. So, if there is a particular mobility exercise that is difficult for you, by all means, throw it in a few times a day on your own. Before bed is a great time to do this.
Lastly, don’t phone it in. When you are executing mobility movements, in or out of the gym, think about the proper positions and strive for excellence. Just going through the movements doesn’t allow for the full benefit.