January at Vero Strength, like all gyms, has shown an increase in attendance. But, as you will see in the statistics below, some people are already losing steam. Here are the number of check-ins for the first three weeks of the year at Vero Strength:
Week 1: 520 check-ins
Week 2: 478 check-ins (-8%)
Week 3: 435 check-ins (-9%)
What you see is a little over an 8% decrease each week.
Often, when people give reasons to let exercise or nutrition slip, they aren’t actually reasons, they are excuses.
Reasons are based on evidence or logic.
Excuses are attempts to shift blame away from the person making the excuse.
Consider the following “reasons” people commonly give for neglecting the gym:
I don’t have time (work, life balance, etc.).
I’m stressed.
I had houseguests.
My sleep schedule has been off.
Now, I know life happens. And some days, the gym isn’t possible. For instance, we have a member who works, has kids and goes to school who lacks the free time sometimes. That’s a reason.
But, for many people the above are excuses, not reasons. And there are quick fixes and/or mindsets to overcome each.
Work or life busy? Block out time before work to train. (PS: there’s a reason why the majority of people on our Legacy board work out in the AM - it ensures it gets done. Turn the TV off, go to bed early and focus on your health.)
Stressed? Exercise actually helps that. Visualize how great you will feel with consistent exercise.
Houseguests? They'd probably be OK if you left for an hour to take care of yourself.
Sleep schedule off? Turn off the TV. Say no to happy hour. Get to bed.
Excuses are the enemy of habits!
If you’re struggling, one very effective way to keep that new year’s motivation going is to get an accountability partner. Find a friend in the class you attend, exchange numbers, and commit to keeping each other on track by attending classes together. You’re more apt to attend when you don’t want to let someone down. In turn, you won’t let yourself down.
I know this works because when I reach out to someone who hasn’t been in for a week, 9 times out of 10 they come back in right away. But, it often doesn’t last long because I’m not texting them daily.
Have you been consistent? Are you making excuses and calling them reasons?
Success is the culmination of small habits done daily (think compounding interest). What choices and habits will make the most impact?
We've got 11 months left in the year. Visualize you in December, looking back, proud of all you've done and how great you feel.