2 sets -
5 Kang plate squats
5 Overhead plate stretch
5 Each side plank rotations
5 external oblique openers variation: leg raise
Set 1
1a. Back squat 4-6 reps @75%
Rest 20sec
1b. Back squat 2-3 reps @75%
Rest 20sec
1c. Back squat 1-2 reps @75%
Rest 3-5 minutes
Set 2
2a. Back squat 4-6 reps @70%
Rest 20sec
2b. Back squat 2-3 reps @70%
Rest 20sec
2c. Back squat 1-2 reps @70%
3 sets -
12 single leg glute/hip ups with back on a bench (each leg)
8 Single legs Dumbbell RDL (each leg)
6 Kettlebell Front rack forward lunge (each leg)
1:00 each side saddle stretch
1:00 each side supine twist
CharityWOD shirts are in. If you pre-ordered, please pick them up in the cubby/bench area (your name is on your shirt) and we will charge your card on file. Thanks for your continued support of Sunday Strong!
Tonight, at 9 PM, in the woods of Casselberry, FL, Jason Nance, Vinnie Burke, Bill Westrom, and I (Wendy) take on the Goruck Tough. We will be rucking with 30+-pound packs for 16+ miles/12 hours under the direction of a Special Operations cadre, doing all sorts of tasks with our team. Wish us luck! We will fill you all in next week :)
Food For Thought Friday
People are confused about nutrition. Back when I was a kid, to lose weight the accepted idea was: eat less than you burn. Then came the low-fat craze where foods were made more palatable by adding sugar. Then, there was Atkins. Then, the Mediterranean diet. Zone. Sugar Busters. And more recently, Paleo. Today, you hear all about juicing, Keto, macros, detoxes...the list goes on. Couple the myriad of fad diets with foods labeled gluten-free, natural and organic - does that make them healthy? It's no wonder people are at a loss as to how to eat correctly.
I have often touted macros. Really, it's just a system of checks and balances so that you are eating the correct amount for your specific goal. But, it all comes down to calories. If you want to lose weight, you must eat in a caloric deficit. To add more punch, you eat nutritious foods the vast majority of the time (and let's be real, we all know what healthy food looks like). Honestly, it's probably why Weight Watchers, Zone, and Nutri-System have remained for decades - although food quality may not be of the utmost priority, people are on a plan to eat less than they burn and, viola...they lose weight!
If you are looking to change your body composition to lose weight, eat in a caloric deficit. Conversely, if you are looking to gain, you must eat more than you burn. Protein must always be stressed. Carbs and fat aren't the devil. So, keep it simple. For each meal, consume a protein (meat, eggs, beans, etc.), a healthy carb source, a little high-quality fat, and load up on vegetables. Many people get stressed out tracking, and although it's a good experiment in order to get real with yourself and/or educate yourself on what a day should look like, it's not 100% necessary. I think we all have a little governor inside us that knows when we are eating too little or too, be mindful.
One last note: when eating in a caloric deficit, know that it's short-term. Say you have 40 pounds to lose. The deficit should last a few months. If you lose 20 pounds during that time, great! Go to maintenance levels for a few months (i.e. increase your calories) - you won't gain weight, you may actually continue to lose. Then, go back to a deficit until you reach your goal. Know we cannot live in a deficit forever. It screws up your hormones. That's why the people who are constantly dieting are usually the ones that never reach their goal. Our body needs the right amount of good fuel!