Wim Hof Method - August 24

June 6, 2019
Wim Hof Method - August 24



June 6, 2019

We are pumped to host a Wim Hof Method seminar on Saturday, August 24 from 11 AM to 4 PM. The Method delves into breathing, mindfulness, and cold to achieve a myriad of benefits from recovery to immune health to stress management.

I attended a Wim Hof event in Miami last year and have since incorporated his principles into my life. The biggest benefit I've experienced is that I didn't get sick this past year (and I got the flu each year before).

If you'd like to attend, follow THIS LINK below to register and pay. The price is shown as 110 euros, which is equivalent to around $125 USD.

Here is a write-up about the event from Benjamin Pelton, the instructor:

What is the WHM you ask? The Wim Hof Method is a simple yet effective practice for gaining control over our minds and bodies using three pillars; Breathing exercises, Exposure, and Mindset. Wim Hof is a Dutch daredevil with over 20 Guinness World Records related to extreme cold challenges.

Wim Hof figured out how to use cold exposure and breathwork to withstand the power of the Cold. During this 4-hour workshop instructor Benjamin Pelton will educate participants about the physiological benefits of breathwork and cold exposure. Have you heard of Cryotherapy before? There are many benefits associated with training in the Cold, especially Stress Management.

This WHM Fundamentals workshop is perfect for parents and students heading back to the busy school year this fall. Benjamin will demonstrate how to utilize the WHM for Stress Management which is great for any parent and student. Life is stressful and can become overwhelming when improperly managed, but by practicing the Wim Hof Method participants will learn how to properly de-escalate from stress. Learning how to manage stress better is a life-changing experience.

If all of this sounds good, it is about to sound even better. Benjamin will also share with participants how to use the WHM to optimize your own body’s immune system. Flu and cold season are right around the corner and everyone knows what that means! The Wim Hof Method is powerful and has helped practitioners eliminate getting sick during the year. Join us on August 24th and learn from certified instructor Benjamin Pelton how to boost your body’s natural ability to fend off sickness and manage stress better.

Here is what others had to say about the Wim Hof Method Fundamentals Workshop.

Vincent Burke: “Great day. Met some fantastic people and learned quite a bit of information. Benjamin did a great job moving the class along but took the time to answer questions.”

Nathaniel Leedy: “The Wim Hof Fundamentals Workshop was more than an exciting and fun afternoon with like-minded people. It was an incredibly inspiring event where you are taught skills and knowledge that will help you for a lifetime. If anyone is skeptical about the health benefits of breathing protocols and cryotherapy, this workshop will demonstrate with scientific data that it works and then you get to experience it for yourself through guided exercises. Benjamin Pelton was our instructor and was knowledgeable, experienced, and very entertaining during the course. He is an exceptional trainer who is passionate about the WH method and offered many tips and techniques during the workshop that I am excited to integrate into my daily practice. I would take another class with Benjamin in a heartbeat. His enthusiasm and energy are contagious. Should you be interested in the WH method, please check it out. It will open up your life to new possibilities.”

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