Being strong is important at any age!
You lose 3-8 percent of your muscle per decade after age 30, making strength training even more important as you age.
But, we often come across people in their 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond that think it’s too late. I’ve even been asked, “Am I too far gone?” The answer to that is “NO!”
While it would be perfect if everyone started resistance training in their younger years and never stopped, it’s never too late to start…or get back on track.
Here are some facts:
Strength training helps you stay independent for longer. Daily tasks are easier. Strength training also helps to maintain your balance, resilience, and bone density. In addition, self-confidence, mobility/range of motion, mental health, and happiness are all reported to be higher among those who strength train.
Simply put: strength training gives you a greater quality of life.
If the gym is an exotic, foreign place for you and you don’t know where you start, here are some tips:
Being strong is a choice! Don’t regret that you never started. It’s not too late!