We’ve worked hard to clean the gym during the shutdown and we are excited to be able to open again. Please realize that our classes/facility will function much differently than in the past. We hope to eventually get back to our “old normal,” but for now, please read and respect the below rules for our “new normal,” as they are designed for optimal safety and cleanliness,
Please comply with our new rules. Some may think these are excessive, but we’d rather overdo it and keep everyone safe.
- To comply with current social distancing guidelines, classes will be capped at 12 athletes. This may be increased over time, as long as we can still comply with social distancing.
- Classes will be 45 minutes in length to allow for cleaning between them.
- No drop-ins are accepted at this time.
- If you feel sick in the slightest, please stay home.
- If you’ve come in contact with anyone who was recently diagnosed with COVID-19, please make us aware of this and please quarantine yourself from the gym.
- We will continue to offer the at-home training option, Vero Strength Anywhere for those who aren't ready to return or athletes living outside of our area.
- Equipment that is difficult to sanitize, such as ropes and sandbags will not be used.
- The communal chalk buckets will not be out. We have personal buckets and chalk for purchase.
- The mobility tools will not be used.
- Workout “pods” will be arranged, and each athlete will stay in his/hers during the workout.
- There will be a designated spot for personal training.
- There will be no sharing of equipment.
- Showers will not be open for use.
- We will not have the monthly free Barbell class until further notice.
- Coaches will respect social distancing.
- Members MUST reserve class times by clicking the “Class Sign-Up” link on our homepage (upper left). This is also necessary for those who come in to do different programming.
- When signing up online for the first time, DO NOT create a new profile. If you do not know your password, request it on the MindBody website using the email address you have on file.
- If, for whatever reason, the system requires you to choose a membership package, but you are already paid up, please choose the “Free Assessment” option so you won’t be charged extra another option would be to choose "Register as Unpaid".
- You must cancel your reservation 24 hours in advance.
- We have enabled a waitlist on the online registration system. If your desired class is full, you may join the waitlist.
- If your schedule allows, please consider booking a non-peak class time (noon, 6:30 PM or Open Gym).
- Your time in the gym is limited to only the time that you’ve reserved, a maximum of 45 minutes.
- No socializing/mingling in the gym before or after classes.
- All athletes must enter through the center bay door when told to do so.
- Social distancing tactics are in place. Please stay in your assigned “pod” for the workout.
- You must wipe each piece of equipment that you use as well as the floor with the provided sanitizer in each pod.
- After EACH class, our staff will further disinfect.
- If you use the restroom, you are to thoroughly wipe the surfaces you touch. Wash your hands.
- If you need to purchase any retail items, a staff member will retrieve what you need.
- Please bring your own personal towel to class each day.
- If you would like to bring your own mat, you may do so.
- Shirts must stay on. This applies to both men and women.
- Please address your individual mobility needs at home prior to arriving. We will also prescribe post-workout mobility to perform when you leave.
- No spitting.
- We’ve invested in anti-bacterial/anti-COVID19 cleaning solutions. These will be available via spray bottles throughout the gym. We have also purchased a mister that will be used to apply sanitizer in the gym regularly.
- Hand sanitizer and soap is provided. We will also have personal hand sanitizer available for purchase.
- Equipment will be cleaned between each class.
- Terry cloth towels will be used to clean once, then disposed of in a hamper to be laundered.
- Bathrooms will be cleaned several times per day.
- We will check athletes in to reduce the use of “high touch” iPads.