Don’t Get Stuck

YOU need to be exercising
Wendy Shafranski
October 23, 2023
Don’t Get Stuck

Wendy Shafranski


October 23, 2023

I don’t need to go into the endless benefits of physical activity. At this point it’s common knowledge to everyone, even if you are a sedentary person.

So, knowing this, it’s very disappointing that more than 70% of Americans don’t come close to achieving what the CDC recommends each week, which is 150 minutes of moderate physical activity and two days of strength training.

While activity isn’t increasing, interest in the new miracle weight loss prescriptions are. In fact, 45% of Americans say they’d be interested in taking them. Yes, I do believe that these prescriptions can help people. BUT…and this is a big but…they still need to alter their lifestyle.


Physical activity has been shown to curb chronic diseases like obesity, hypertension, and diabetes but also cancer, depression, Alzheimer’s, and more. According to longevity scientist Dr. Peter Attia, exercise is the “most potent drug” for improving health and longevity.

The two biggest (lame) excuses we hear from people who don’t make exercise a priority are time and expense.

In terms of expense, if you don’t pay for it now, you will later.  It is estimated that 70% of future healthcare costs will be spent on illnesses caused by inactivity.

You will never be given more time. You make the time. We all have a few hours per week.

Consider these facts:

  • 30–60 minutes of strength training per week reduces all-cause mortality by 10–17%, with additional inverse links to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and some cancers.
  • 20 minutes of physical activity yields a 43% drop in the risk of developing depression, while exercise was found to be 1.5x more effective than leading antidepressants.
  • Even the recommended 10K steps per day rule is getting rolled back, with 2.3K steps improving heart health and 4K shown to reduce the risk of all-cause mortality.

As people age, they don't say “I regret working out.” But, I sure know there are many that regret they didn’t.

Don’t wait until it’s too late.

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