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Wendy Shafranski


July 30, 2024

A Strong Body Requires a Strong Mind

What separates those who succeed in the gym with those who quit? I believe it is mindset.

Most people come in with similar goals - building strength and mobility, gaining or losing weight and becoming more fit. But, some let negative self-talk keep them from meeting their goals.

It’s important to identify these thoughts and reframe them.  

Intimidation is reframed to inspired.

Frustrated is reframed to challenged.

I don’t know anything becomes I want to learn.

I can’t do that becomes I can’t wait to master that!

The only person holding you back is you.

Renowned self-development author and motivational speaker Brian Tracy succinctly captures this concept, stating, “The law of concentration states that whatever you dwell upon grows. The more you think about something, the more it becomes part of your reality.”

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